Short: Clean up your web-pages with HTML TIDY Author: Dave Raggett / Port by Edgar Schwan Uploader: Edgar Schwan Version: 1st June 2004 Type: comm/www Requires: AmigaOS 4 What is 'tidy'? With tidy you can clean up and fix your HTML-code. Very usefull for GoldEd's Webworld. How to build the Amiga-version of tidy: - copy the value of the archive 'tidy_OS4.lha' into 'usr:local/'. - open a shell. - cd into directory 'usr:local/tidy/build/gmake'. - type 'make -f Makefile.amigaos4'. - just wait... - to install tidy type 'make -f Makefile.amigaos4 install'. - you can find the binaries 'tidy' and 'tab2space' in the directory 'usr:local/bin' and the link-library 'libtidy.a' in 'usr:local/lib'. Hints: - tidy expects a config-file in the program-directory (PROGDIR:) named 'tidy_config.txt'. For options type into a shell: 'tidy -help-config'. The config-file is optional. Copyright: Copyright (c) 1998-2003 World Wide Web Consortium - see 'tidy/include/tidy.h' for the copyright notice. - for further information see ''. Changes for AmigaOS: - extended file 'tidy/include/platform.h' - created new makefile in 'tidy/build/gmake/' named 'Makefile.amigaos4'. Ported by: Edgar Schwan , 2004/07/29